Today is St. David's Day, so I can't think of a better time to mention infamous welshman, Howard Marks.
I only discovered this week that he has been diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer, a horrible fate to befall anyone.
I met and photographed Howard Marks a couple of years ago at the Bloomsbury Theatre where he was performing his one-man show 'An audience with Mr. Nice' in aid of the homeless charity, Crisis.
He was charismatic and charming; traits that no doubt helped him to become top of the game in drug smuggling. This, along with his strong desire to see cannibis legalised may be what he is most famous for, but he has lived a colourful life, including acquiring a Physics degree from Oxford and being father to several children.
He is just another human being with his own life story. True, his story is more colourful than many, but at least he has been true to what he believes in.
Another piece of trivia is that he and I share a birthday!
Anyway, I wish him luck on his final journey, and here a couple of pics...
Howard Marks on stage at the Bloomsbury Theatre 2013
Howard Marks