January Jump-start...eventually!

New year, new start...nah! Scrap that. I prefer to try and make improvements all year round - why restrict yourself to the new year, and who invented the calendar anyway?!

I haven't made any resolutions, but there are a few things I would like to achieve this year. If I do, you will surely read about them here!

I have found more time for reading over the past year or so, and quite recently read Gandhi's Autobiography - the main objective was to learn more about this eminent figure. As it was written by himself, in a rather flat manner, I cannot say I was awestruck, but I did find some of his behaviour fascinating and the core of his intentions admirable. His lessons in self-restraint were phenomenal, bordering on self-abuse. This must have struck a chord somewhere, as I have taken to abstaining from eating 'land-animals' and bread for the whole of January, purely as an exercise in self-discipline. I can't say either has been particularly difficult to go without, but I have learned that bread is so convenient. Notice how I didn't choose alcohol - one step at a time folks! (*In the spirit of honesty I have to admit to accidentally eating bread once. Yes, accidentally! I had a very weird couple of days where within 24 hours my Uncle died, my Mum was admitted to hospital with high blood-pressure and unexplained chest pain, and my aunt was having investigative tests for her own unexplained pains at the same time. This resulted in a flying visit home and a day in the hospital. We ended up in the cafeteria and I was so busy trying to avoid meat that I figured I would just have a sandwich...as I peeled back the wrapper I exclaimed "No way, I can't believe I bought a sandwich"! Too late. I was a little disappointed, but it didn't seem appropriate to waste the food. 

A Time to Reflect

A Time to Reflect

Following the Downtime exhibition, I certainly had some 'down' time of my own, to the point I was wondering what the hell I should or could do next. Luckily, I recognise that any creative mind needs time to reflect and recharge. The way I work on personal projects and 'life-plans' means I circulate a lot of ideas and bits of ideas over a period of time(from weeks to years), and then one day it will all form into one glorious (and often difficult to achieve) idea! I am now armed with three clear projects, ranging from mini to maxi, and I am really looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into them. 

Apart from filing my tax return, and the odd job, January has been full of teaching for a variety of reasons - I had a lady who wanted to improve her photography skills for a new online business, and another lady who had set a resolution to come out of auto-mode. I also put together a two-week teenage photography course after a number of enquiries. The poor souls had to brave zero degrees so we could put our theory to practice. I think the next one will be in the spring!

Um. What does this button do?!

Um. What does this button do?!

Demonstrting shutter-speed whilst warming up!

Demonstrting shutter-speed whilst warming up!

The Palm House was closed, ruining my cunning plan to warm up. Do not be fooled by the pretty picture. It was freezing!

The Palm House was closed, ruining my cunning plan to warm up. Do not be fooled by the pretty picture. It was freezing!

I offer photography tuition locally, on a one-to-one basis, starting from £59.00 for a two-hour session. I can also facilitate photography workshops for community groups. 

Talking of teaching, if you follow me on social media then you should know that I qualified as a BoxingYoga™ Coach last June, and now take regular classes in Crouch End as follows:

Sundays at 11am, the Picture House Cinema, 165 Tottenham Lane, Crouch End
N8 9BY https://www.picturehouses.com/cinema/Crouch_End_Picturehouse

Monday and Thursday evenings at 7.30pm, Total Boxer, 21 Cranford Way, Hornsey, N8 9DG

Breaking some moves!

Breaking some moves!

A few years ago I would never have believed that I'd eagerly await a double-session of Boxing at the club on Friday nights, so if you fancy a challenge, there are worse things you could do. Check out Total Boxer and their amazing new premises here http://totalboxer.com

Until next time,

Amanda x